Dinner of Happiness (Kaderetang Manok or Chicken Caldereta

Dinner of Happiness (Kaderetang Manok or Chicken Caldereta

 Dinner of Happiness (Kaderetang Manok or Chicken Caldereta

 Hello to all again and again lol! And here comes my dinner, as I said I didn't take my lunch because of being full. And now that I’m so hungry expect that I will eat this in 3 minutes hahaha! Yes 3 minutes only =P oh well let me introduce my dinner now it’s a Filipino dish again and called “Kalderatang Manok” or Chicken Caldereta =) I know that so many Filipinos wants this meal because of its delicious taste. Well I want this Chicken Caldereta especially if you put some red chili on it, yes an spicy chicken caldereta will make this dish more delicious, well sometimes my mother doesn't want an spicy one that's why she's not putting red chili in this dish but she always giving me a red chili so i can put it in my every meal ^_^

My mother is the best in cooking it because she will cook the potato and the carrots half cooked and she will put so many tomato sauces and will put a belt pepper too!... Well as you can see in the picture I’ll eat in front of my server here in my computer shop again haha! Yes I’m always doing that so I used to it.

I would like to thank our God for giving me a happy and delicious meal every day I LOVE YOU GOD!
